With the holiday season officially ended (until my brother's Birthday in two days, anyways), I thought I'd take a second to brag about what a spoiled brat I was this Christmas.
So, so, so excited to get into these gifts in a big way in 2011:
Embroidered Effects, by Jenny Hart. Martina of wollstoneCRAFT gave this book a shining recommendation for its fresh patterns and easy instructions, and I can't wait to get started on some embroidery projects ( like making this illustration into a pillow).
My cousin's girlfriend Laura - of headband fame - gave me a gift certificate to my local yarn store, Mary's Yarns, which I am too thrilled to use. It justifies my ever-growing stash without the added reach-and-grabs into my bank account.
And below, probably one of my all-time favourite Christmas gifts (next to N64, natch): an addi bamboo interchangeable needle set. The packaging is beyond gorgeous and sleek, and the inside is lined with leaf-printed silk. The red card is signed by the person who packed them. This present has solidified my already fervent belief in German engineering.
I already have them slated for a new project: once my Selbu stockings are finished, I will make my first-ever sweater! Exciting times - I will keep you posted!
Until then, best of luck in the new Year, and thank you for reading!